Archive | March 2012

TAG testing

I am taking the Georgia TAG testing (Talented and Gifted). It is fun, reading and math and other tests. This is my first time taking tests like that. My parents said it will get easier as I do it more often. There is a lot to test for in school!

I can take this each year if I do good in school and the teacher recommends me for it. If  I don’t get it this year, maybe next year! I will keep trying to do my best!

TAG is like the UBBT — it’s a challenge! 

Walking the two doggies

We have two dogs now, Heidi and Mia. They are both miniature Dachshunds. They are good friends — we call them sisters. Heidi was bored before we got Mia and didn’t have anyone to play with. We got Mia from Dream rescue and they are really great together. They bark and growl at each other if they are jealous, but are mostly sweet to each other.

I take them for a walk sometimes with my parents and they are both on the same leash but connected by a little connector. They pull on each other and must walk in the same direction. They eventually are learning how to do it. It is called compromising!

I like taking them for a walk. Good exercise for all of us!

Wii and exercise

We have a few ways to exercise using the Wii. I have 2 dance programs, Just Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, and also Wii Fit. It is fun to exercise on the Wii and fun to dance.

But I really like just playing outside, riding bikes, playing ball with my friends, doing cartwheels outside. I guess an electronic game can’t compete with real outside play!



Blogging and school

The UBBT black belt test has been good in all kinds of ways: exercising, learning new things, thinking differently, spending time with Dad and Mom (Dad puts in many of my blog posts and gets me online to get me started, and edits for me).

One thing that is neat is putting in new posts every week. I get to pick the topic or my parents will suggest one to me. It is fun, having control over what gets posted.

I think it will help me in school.